

The dairy industry and its products occupy a place of honor in Israeli agriculture. The Holstein-Israeli milk cattle, developed in Israel, are reaching world production peaks that are gaining fame around the world. The dairy cattle farm in Israel is modern and sophisticated. In addition to the sophisticated milking machines, it is widely used in computing to determine the amounts of food and mixtures to feed the cows, for optimal milk yield for each cow. The quality of the milk is excellent, and today more than 1,000 products and brands are produced from it.

We at Kent offer growers 2 types of insurance:

1 – Natural damage insurance

Covers damage to the quality of the fruit due to sleet, cold, storm, hail and snow.

2 – Natural disaster insurance

Provides insurance coverage for cases of crop failure following a climatic event, disease event, pest infestation
Regional only as well as natural damage to trees.

The insurance contract period is from March 1 to July 31 of the following year.